Sunday, December 2, 2012

Thailand & Cambodia

It was wonderful to travel to Thailand again and to see a little bit of Cambodia. I met my friend Ona in Bangkok to celebrate our birthdays. We spent just a couple days in Bangkok we before we journeyed to Cambodia. We took the local train from Bangkok to the Cambodian border (6 hours), walked across the border, took one bus, another bus and then a tuk tuk to get to our hotel in Siem Reap. The next day we did an off road bicycle tour through Angkor Archaeological Park that was one of the highlights of the trip. We visited parts of the site where there were no other tourists and really enjoyed going through the temples and the villages. We rode over 40 km and were caught in a downpour near the end, but what a fun experience. The  next morning we went back before dawn to watch the sun rise over Angkor Wat. After a bus trip back to Bangkok, we took the night train in a sleeper car to Chiang Mai. In Chiang Mai we took a cooking class and learned to make some tasty dishes. We also met some Kwaj friends for dinner (we crossed paths in Bangkok - you see Kwaj people everywhere!). After Chiang Mai it was another night train in a sleeper car to Bangkok and several days in Bangkok to see the sights. Of course we had to work around President Obama's schedule (they closed some sights for his visit).
We did our best to enjoy the wonderful local food and as many massages as we could squeeze in.

This first group of pictures are from Angkor in Cambodia.

Angkor Wat at sunrise

Second class sleeper car, quite comfortable

Cooking class with Asia Scenic Thai Cooking School in Chiang Mai

Wat Pho in Bangkok with the Reclining Buddha (160 ft long)